Project Setup


Creating the best possible project foundation

Getting your project up and running is one of the most critical steps you can take. Without a solid foundation, timelines can slide, costs can escalate and activities can fail.

With PC Solutions' Project Setup, we get you up and running. Working closely with your programme team, we can agree a tailored service that delivers a clear project vision, resource plan and a first-class collection of customised documents, all tailored to your new project.

Project Vision

We can help you understand the purpose, path and outcome for your project. The right vision can help ensure that your project stays on track.

Resource Planning

We can design a resource plan, that ensure that your project has the right people, with the right skills at the right time.

Project Documentation

We can ensure that your project has the right documents, customised to your project from the start.


This document explains, in plain language, the reason for the project, the resources assigned and the budget approved. It's a living document that change over the course the project, but is also useful for stakeholders and project resources alike the ensure everything is progressing as planned.
This document captures and agrees up front, the type and frequency of project communications to both internal and external parties. It includes daily, weekly and monthly project updates to all stakeholders, allowing a controlled and bi-direction flow of information
This documents captures the cadence (timing) and cemeronies (meetings and reviews) of your project, with an outline of the daily, weekly and monthly schedule.
Using the other documents above, this document creates an outline plan, including the stages and steps of your Project, including imeediate next steps. As a living document, this would typically be handed over to your project manager, to maintain and drive on a daily basis.
As part of the agreed Communication Plan, you're project manager will need to effectively communicate daily, weekly or monthly with a diverse group of individuals. As this communication can take place at differing granularity, we provide a tailored, sample report, which can be expanded and refined as required.


  • We work to your schedule.

    Our consultant will schedule an initial meeting to understand the scope of your new project.